The Phonographers Union
Live on Sonarchy Radio
Featuring Steve Barsotti, Christopher DeLaurenti, Marcos Fernandes, Mark Griswold, Alex Keller, Dale Lloyd, Perri Lynch, Robert Millis, Toby Paddock
Produced and engineered by Doug Haire at Jackstraw Productions.
Executive Producer: Marcos Fernandes
The Phonographers Union Live on Sonarchy Radio documents the live "on the air" performance by members of the Seattle Phonographers Union and guest Marcos Fernandes. The nine phonographers, or field recordists, armed with cd players, md players and a laptop, performed two sets of improvisations utilizing their various field captures. In the context of this improvisation, the only parameter set was that the artists use 'straight-up' field recordings, meaning un treated source material except for some equalozation, filtering and/or compression. Both pieces are presented here in their entirety without any edits, revealing the sensitive interactions of the improvisers as they create a continuously evolving series of 'possible spaces.' The performance was engineered and produced by Doug Haire at Jackstraw Productions in Seattle, Washington on April 12, 2003.